SoundSelf Onboarding Best Practices

Printable Booklet Instructions

To get started with SoundSelf, you will need to set up the hardware and software on your computer. For setup instructions go here. If you’re having technical difficulties, check out our Troubleshooting articles or contact

We encourage you to go through a run-through session when onboarding SoundSelf and familiarize yourself with the session mode. 

There are five session modes:

  • All our sessions have an interactive LED light.
  1. Story Mode: 40-min session. 
    • This should always be a user’s first experience. It includes a long introductory sequence to ensure proper vocal engagement, and a special song at the end for integrating. 
  2. Integration: 30-min session. 
    • This is a great sequence for users who already have some experience with SoundSelf. It follows the same therapeutic pattern as story mode but with a shorter introduction and closing sequence. 
  3. Theta-Blast: 20-min session. 
    • Our shortest session is only for users with abundant meditation experience, as it quickly targets theta and gamma brainwaves. It’s great for experienced SoundSelf users. 
  4. Deep Rest: 25-min session. 
    • Give your voice a rest. This non-interactive mode targets delta brainwaves and a restful state of mind. It’s similar to a “nap without the nap”. 
  5. Infusion Mode: 6-min session. 
    • An experimental mode, made for stacking with other therapeutic modalities. Infusion Mode requires input from a practitioner and will not initiate lights or interactivity until the practitioner initiates the interactive sequence.

Do Not Use SoundSelf if the patient has Visual Epilepsy, the strobing lights can be harmful and can cause a seizure.

Once you have SoundSelf set up, find a quiet and comfortable place. Be mindful of feedback and environmental noise. 

Before starting the session:

  • Silence phone and distractions.
  • Have a spot to comfortably lay and relax. 
  • Always configure the volume and brightness to patients' comfort. 

SoundSelf, Step by Step

  1. Get Comfortable: Aim to wear clothing that helps to feel relaxed and at ease.
  2. Find The Right Spot: Settle in a quiet room, away from noise and distractions. Comfortably lie on your back with hands on the side.
  3. SoundSelf Equipment: Put on the LED glasses and headphones. Position the microphone as close to the mouth as possible. 
  4. Begin Breathing Slowly And Deeply: Inhale through the nose and exhale slowly through the mouth. Letting the eyes rest. 
  5. Continue To relax: With eyes closed, start the session. Story Mode is 40 minutes and is best to start with.
  6. The End Of The Session: Encourage patience and somatic awareness, as they gently transition back to normal. 

Optional: A warm cup of tea is always welcome at the end of a session.


SoundSelf Protocols

The frequency and number of SoundSelf sessions are best determined by the user, along with their health professional. Because SoundSelf works by facilitating both rapid state change, as well as long-term mindfulness skills training, it is beneficial for users to start with 3-4 sessions per week, then taper down to 2 sessions per week.

For general mindfulness training and stress management:

Starting (and maintaining) a mindfulness practice can be incredibly difficult. SoundSelf makes this easier. A suggested protocol for establishing a mindfulness practice is doing SoundSelf 3x/week, and to engage in any awareness or mindfulness practice on days that SoundSelf sessions are not performed.

For Ketamine- and Psychedelic- Assisted Psychotherapy:

SoundSelf greatly enhances the patient journey for Ketamine and Psychedelic Assisted  Therapies. The suggested protocol for these treatments is 3 sessions before dosing for preparation, and 3 sessions after dosing for integration. SoundSelf does not replace psychotherapy but can greatly empower patients in their healing journey.

Additionally, a SoundSelf session directly before dosing can relieve any anxiety, and calm the nervous system of the patient, on the day of the ketamine or psychedelic experience. SoundSelf can be experienced during the "come down" of ketamine and psychedelics, to assist in grounding back in the body, connecting to breath, and to anchor any insights that emerged during the psychedelic experience

For Mental Health Problems:

SoundSelf is a mindfulness and stress management device and is not intended to treat, manage, or monitor health problems. Research has shown that SoundSelf may be helpful in reducing symptoms of Anxiety and Depression, as well as improving levels of Mindfulness and Well-Being.

When SoundSelf is used in conjunction with other treatments for mental health problems, it may increase the overall patient response by providing nervous system regulation, mindfulness skills training, and psychological insights that empower the person on their health journey.

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